Wei Xuan Ang


Wei Xuan has built up experience in the venture capital industry through an internship at Quest Ventures, where he had the opportunity to assist in the full spectrum of the deal-making process. Additionally, he conducted market research on nascent verticals in South East Asia, with a focus on the ways in which sustainable, ESG-focused investments can drive impact.

Prior to joining the venture capital industry, Wei Xuan was involved in work as a student consultant, doing pro-bono work for charities in the UK via Enactus UK. He also did a stint as a management consulting intern at KPMG, where he worked on projects with a Fintech focus, as well as projects for large corporations in the finance industry.

Wei Xuan gradated from the London School of Economics and Political Science with a BSc in Economics (First Class Honours). His key academic interests include monetary and international economics, data science and education.